Sandwich Classes
We our proud to offer dance classes through the Sandwich Park District.
The address is 1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548
TUMBLE TOTS Ages 2 – 3
Your child will learn how to stay with the group, begin following directions and learning new tumbling skills. They will work on hand/eye coordination and balance through play.
Monday 4:15 – 4:45 pm
October 28 – December 11
(NO Class 11/11) 6 Weeks
Location: Large Room, David A Francis Center
Instructor: Gold Star The Academy
MIN/MAX: 4/8
Res/Non resident Fee: $60/65
Basic tumbling will be learned. Forward and backward rolls, cartwheels and bridges will be taught along with flexibility skills.
Location: Large Room, David A Francis Center
Instructor: Gold Star The Academy
Monday 4:45 – 5:15 PM
October 28 – December 11
(NO Class 11/11) 6 Weeks
Location: Large Room, David A Francis Center
Instructor: Gold Star The Academy
Res/Non resident Fee: $60/65
Min 4/Max 8
TUMBLING I Ages 6 - 10
Students will work on basic tumbling skills such as cartwheel, forward and backward rolls, hand stands and splits. Students will start learning walkovers. Flexibility and safety drills are also a focus.
Monday 5:15 – 6:15 PM
October 28 – December 11
(NO Class 11/11) 6 Weeks
Location: Large Room, David A Francis Center
Instructor: Gold Star The Academy
Res/Non resident Fee: $85/90
Min 4/Max 8
Sandwich classes must register through the Sandwich Park District office.